The Team

Dr. William Braudt graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic (now Parker University) in 2000. He began his practice career right away when he opened in Amarillo and later relocated to Canyon, Texas, in early 2004.
Dr. Braudt and his wife of over 25 years, Kortnie, have four wonderful children: Shelbi married to Joseph (whom they consider their fourth child); Kelsey; and Cody. Shelbi and Joseph have given Dr. Braudt two beautiful grandchildren. Family is very important to Dr. Braudt and he takes every opportunity to be with them. He also enjoys golf and hunting. If he isn’t inside working with his patients, he’d much rather be outside enjoying God’s wonderful creation.
Dr. Braudt is an active member at Living Water Christian Fellowship.
Say hello to Jayme! She joined Dr. Braudt's team in 2016 and has become an invaluable office manager. She loves working with our patients and is a vital part of our team. Outside of the office, she enjoys spending quality time with her Husband Troy and their two sons.
Say hello to Amber, our newest team member who joined us in late 2024! Her vibrant personality has made her a perfect fit for our office. When she is not working, Amber loves spending time with her husband Jamin and their three furry friends.

Anita joined our team as a chiropractic assistant in early 2023. Jumping in and learning quickly, she has been a great asset to our office. She enjoys time spent with family, especially time with the grandkids.